Opera by Leoš Janáček
How human do animals feel, how much animal is in humans? Those questions inevitably arise with Janáčeks opera “Das schlaue Füchslein”, which is only superficially a fairy tale. Much more it is about the grasping nature parable of the circle of living and dying. At the centre of the story stands a vixen, captured by the forester to be tamed. The eyes of the vixen remind him of his lover Terynka. however the vixen manages to flee and finds love in liberty. Years later she encounters a human again: the drifter Haraschta, who shoots her.
Theater Aachen
Opening on Saturday 30st of June 2018, 19.30h
Musical Direction: Raimund Laufen
Staging: Tamara Heimbrock
Stage & Costume Design: Julie Weideli
© photos julie weideli